Article 5
Administration & Congress

5.1. The Congress shall be legislative body of WAFF and, as such, the supreme authority.

5.2. The Executive Committee shall be the executive body of WAFF.

5.3. The Disciplinary Committee and the Appeal Committee shall be the judicial bodies of WAFF.

5.4. The Congress

5.4.1. The Congress, the legislative and governing body of the WAFF, shall be held every two years.

5.4.2. An Extraordinary Congress shall be called within three months of receipt of such request by one third of the affiliated National Associations in good standing. In the case of an Extraordinary Congress, the notice of the meeting shall include the agenda. No items other than those contained in the agenda may be discussed.

5.4.3. Sessions of Congress, Extraordinary Congresses, the Executive Committee and Committee meeting shall be conducted under Parliamentary Procedures detailed in Roberts Rules of Order.

5.4.4. The official minutes of the Congress shall be taken by a secretary who shall be appointed by the Secretary General.

5.6.5. The minutes shall be submitted for verification to three members specially appointed for this purpose by the Congress.

5.6.6. Decisions taken at a Congress shall come into operation and become binding on the WAFF and affiliated associations immediately.

5.6.7. Decisions by the Congress to accept new National Association members shall come into force immediately, and the new members shall be entitled to participate in discussions and to vote on maters before the Congress.

5.5. WAFF Notifications & Communications

5.5.1. Each association shall inform the WAFF of the name, postal address and e-mail address of the person responsible for conducting official correspondence with the WAFF and with the other associations.

5.5.2. The Secretary General must notify member associations of the date and place of a Congress by email (with receipt confirmation) no later than six months in advance of the beginning of the Congress.

5.5.3. The member National Associations must be informed of the place, date and agenda of an Extraordinary Congress by email (with receipt confirmation) no later than two months in advance of the beginning of the Extraordinary Congress.

5.5.4. In order that the Secretary General can coordinate with the appropriate visa issuing agency, National Associations must provide the names of their delegations and other required information no later than 45 days prior to a Congress,  Extraordinary Congress or Executive Committee meeting.

The Secretary General must then can provide the appropriate visa issuing agency with the required documentation so visas can be applied for.

5.6. Delegates

5.6.1 Each National Association may be represented in Congress by a maximum of three delegates, all of whom may take part in the debates. Only one degelate from each Association shall may be permitted to vote.

5.6.2. Delegates to the Congress must be bona fide members of the National Association they represent and be citizens of the country represented by that  association.

5.6.3. Associations considering applying for WAFF membership mat attend a Congress as observers, but shall not be permitted to vote.

5.6.4. Each National Association must sent it's delegates' names to the WAFF Secretary General e-mail date stamped or post-marked no later than six-weeks before the opening of the Congress. The individual having the right to vote must be indicated.

Should this delegate leave the conference hall at any time during the Congress, he or she may be replaced by the representative next on the list of delegates drawn up by the National Association concerned.

Failure of a National Association to properly inform the WAFF of its official delegation with the specified time frame, or failure of a National Association to present its formal proxy within the specified time frame, shall not be seated in the Congress and will forfeit its right to vote.

5.6.5. A delegate shall be allowed to represent more than one National Association only when acting as an official proxy representative for another National Association.

5.6.6. Delegates to the Congress must be bona fide members of the National Association they represent and be citizens of the country represented by that  Association. Exception: Proxy voting.

5.7.  Proxy Voting

5.7.1 If a delegation is unable to attend a Congress or an Extraordinary Congress for any reason, it may record its votes by proxy.

5.7.2. Proxy votes or emails authorizing another association to vote in its place shall be presented by an authorized representative of the Member's Association or Federation. To be accepted, such proxy must be sent to the Secretary General by email, date stamped no later than six-weeks prior to the beginning of the Congress.

5.8. Costs

The costs of travel and accommodation for delegates from the associations taking part in the Congress shall be born by respective associations. The Executive Committee shall issue appropriate directives in this respect.

5.9. Agenda

The agenda, specifying the nature of the business to be transacted, the report of the Secretary General, the balance sheet and the auditors' report must be sent to the Associations by email (with receipt confirmation) date stamped no later than two months in advance of the beginning of the Congress. 5.9.1. Proposals and other issues to be submitted to the Congress by affiliated Aassociations must be sent by email (with receipt confirmation) date stamped no later than two months in advance of the beginning of the Congress to become part of the formal agenda.

5.9.2. The agenda of the Ordinary Congress shall include at least the following items: An address by the President. Appointment of three members to review the official minutes of the current Congress. Formal approval of the minutes of the preceding Congress. The report covering the period since the preceding Congress. Submission of balance sheet, receipts and expenditure account. Vote on the approval of the accounts. Submission of the budget. Committee reports. Admission and/or resignation of national associations. Consideration of proposals for alteration to the Statutes, Regulations governing the Application of the Statutes, Standing Orders of the Congress and the Laws of the Game submitted in accordance with Item 5.10 of the Statutes. Appointment of charted accountants to examine and certify the Federation accounts. Election of the Officers, if necessary. Determination of the venue and date of the next Congress.

5.9.3. In the case of an Extraordinary Congress, the notice of the meeting shall include the agenda. No items other than those contained in the agenda may be discussed.

5.10 Amendments

5.10.1. The Congress alone may alter the Statutes, the Regulations governing the Application of the Statutes, the Standing Orders of the Congress of WAFF and the Laws of the Game.

5.10.2. A proposed alteration to the Statutes or the Laws of the Game may be included in the agenda and put to the vote only if it has been submitted by one national association and seconded by two others or if proposed by the Executive Committee.

5.10.3. In order to be able to consider an amendment to the Statutes and Laws of the Game, a Congress must be attended by an absolute majority of the WAFF member associations, which at the Congress have not forfeited their right to vote for any reason.

5.10.4. To be adopted, the amendment must receive the approval of two thirds of the votes cast by the delegates present and entitled to vote.

5.10.5. An amendment to the Regulations governing the Application of the Statutes or the Standing Orders of the Congress may be proposed by a National Association or by the Executive Committee.

5.10.6. Proposals to amend the Standing Orders of the Congress shall be passed by a simple majority of votes cast by the delegates present and entitled to vote.

5.11 Voting Protocols

5.11.1. Voting for the officers shall be by secret ballot.

5.11.2. Officers may be elected by simple majority of those eligible delegates present and voting.

5.11.3 If a majority is not achieved on the first ballot, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes will be eliminated as a canduidate and a new vote taken on the remaining candidates. THis process shall continue until one candidate receives a clear, simple majority.

5.11.2. Decisions on other issues before the Congress shall be decided by simple majority vote, unless otherwise specifically noted in these Statutes. Such voting shall be made with taken by a show of voting cards.

If this method of voting does not result in a clear majority in favor of proposal, the vote shall be taken by calling the roll, countries being called in English alphabetical order.

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